Innovation. Design. Impact.
 Creative Director / Consultant


Classrooms, Bagpackers and a Revolution
The concept of 'Travellers in Classrooms' received a warm and overwhelming response at a 2016 TEDx Talk I was invited to speak at, in the Mumbai Chapter.

The Anatomy of Intuition
A Hack for Cultivating Intuitive Intelligence / June 2020

I had the opportunity to dive into a relatively unexplored realm in context of the creative field, when I was invited to conduct an intensive webinar session, engaging with students of ISDI Parsons School of Design and Innovation on a subject I have been traversing and studying for a few years now - 'The Anatomy of Intuition'.  From exploring 'Where do ideas come from', to looking at creative work, concepts of the pineal gland, the space between thoughts, mindfulness, brainwave patterns, collective consciousness, the quantum field to questions about what does one do about a creative block, how do you emotionally deal with someone else coming up with the same idea and other inspiring stories. A stimulating Q & A followed the talk with this new generation of incredibly curious and powerful minds.

Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre
September 2019

I also had the opportunity to engage with medical specialists when I was invited to speak on ‘The Anatomy of Intuition’ at the Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre during SORC, a 3 day intensive festival of orthopedic surgeons and medical professionals in India. 

Other Talks

TEDx Unplugged, Mumbai 2019 : The Trick to Cultivating Eureka Moments in your Career
A raw captured video glimpse

Symbiosis University, as Chief Guest, Pune, India 2017
I had the previlage to address 600 students on creative thinking and the future.

Startup Chile, Santiago 2015 : Sharing the idea of ‘Clap Global - Travellers in Classrooms’
with entrepreneurs, creatives and investors from more than 25 countries. 

Creative Beta Mornings, Speaker at Mumbai Chapter, 2013 : On Creative Thinking / Value and Process

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TEDx, Mumbai 2016 : Classrooms, Bagpackers and a Revolution
• ISDI Parsons School of Design and Innovation 2020 : There’s a Hack for Cultivating Intuitive Intelligence
• Reliance Foundation Hospitals and Research Centre at SORC, Festival
of Orthopedics, 2019 :
The Anatomy of Intuition
• TEDx Unplugged, Mumbai 2019 :
The Trick to Cultivating Eureka Moments in your Career.
• Symbiosis University, as Chief Guest, Pune 2017
• Startup Chile, Santiago 2015
• Creative Beta Mornings, Mumbai 2013

I work with

Organisations and individuals who seek to create positive change and impact on scale through lateral thinking, innovation and design.
While creating enlightening, engaging and entertaining work.
And with those who believe in revolutionising and in shaping new cultural landscapes of society.

Other things I love

User Experience Design
Installation art
Urban planning
Design for public spaces
Product innovation

Film / cinema / video

Behavioural Design
Circular economy
Oceans / environment
Scuba diving

Swimming with the whales in the wild
Pole Fitness and gymnastics

World Cinema
The confluence of science and spirituality